Friday, October 5, 2012

Hair Care Tips

How to stop hair fall

        Hair is one of the essential part of our body which requires special attention and constant treatments to keep it more healthy. We spend a lot of our time looking at our hair, touching it, tending it, choosing the most effective shampoo and conditioner, washing, blow-drying, coloring, and styling it. But all these intense care does not necessarily means our hair is healthy. Hair is an ever- growing tissue affected by our physical well-being, mentality and social interactions. Some of the most important questions we need to ask from ourselves are;

  • Have you checked your physical fitness recently?
  • Have you thought about your diet?
  • Are you managing your stress or is it managing you?
  • Do you constantly stay outside home?

         All these and many more are related to your hair care. Particularly, you should check on your diet to give enough protein and iron which is vital for a healthy hair. Stress can accelerate shedding mostly during your shower. Moreover, medical conditions, such as thyroid problems or any other could also cause hair issues.

         Using shampoo daily on your hair can decrease the natural oil and shine of your hair. When your drying your hair after your shower avoid combing and using electric appliances directly to your hair. Towel dry your hair for a couple of minutes and make sure you towel absorbs the water on your hair. Then gently rub your hair with your towel without rubbing it too much as it can cause to frizz you hair and damage it intensively. 

        You should give special attention to the roots of your hair as they are the bedrocks of your hair follicles. They are millimeter and a quarter under the scalp which is why we mostly do not attend to even think about it. This is why we should apply a weekly scalp mask which can exfoliate and moisturize tour hair to make it more healthy and shiny. These typically contain ingredients like Aloe Vera, which help to minimize flaking while soothing the scalp. It makes your hair more healthy, clean, silky, luxurious, and full of life.    


Always do:
  • Always keep your hair clean
  • Wash your hair at least twice a week
  • Comb your hair before you step into the shower 
  • Rinse hair with lukewarm water
  • Use mild or natural shampoos
  • Use special medicated hair treatments at least once a week
  • Give an oil treatment to your hair at least twice a week
  • Add more green leafy vegetables, salad, milk, soybean, and fruits to your diet
  • Maintain it with regular trims

  • Don't comb rough on wet hair
  • Avoid chemical shampoos and soaps
  • Don't over wash your hair
  • Don't share your comb
  • Avoid using too much heating appliances on your hair
  • Avoid direct sunlight heat
  • Don't swim unprotected
  • Cut off too much caffeine, alcohol, sugar, fried foods and extra salt from your diet 


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