Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Face Care Tips

         Face care is one crucial component in your body and one of the most important part in our basic hygiene. It ensures that your facial skin remains nourished and healthy. These are some basic steps to help you to maintain your facial complexion as healthy as you want. It highly depends on which skin type you have, which is either; normal, dry or oily.

  • Cleanse your skin
           The initial step to take care of your face is to get into routine of cleansing it daily. At least by cleansing your face twice a day will fight away the most common skin problems and leave your face feeling healthy and looking fresh.    

  • Take care of your facial hair
           This step ensures you to obtain a fine facial structure and look clean. Always keep your eyebrow lines neat and upper lip hair groomed. Get into a routine to trim your eyebrows at least once a month. You can either go to a professional who can wax or thread your eyebrows or else if your skilled with it, you may do it at home. Professionals will do the task well as they will make sure that it will turn our neatly rather than taking too much off. If you want to do it by yourself, use a clean cloth soaked in hot water and press it on the area where you want to remove the hair. Then slowly remove the few strays of hair using tweezers. Do it at least every night for best results.

  • Moisturize
           This step should be performed in order to keep your facial skin live and fresh. Especially if you have a dry skin, it will provide the moisture it requires. Use a gentle moisturizer to keep your skin feeling soft and glowing.

  • Drink plenty of water
           Your body requires plenty of hydration during the day to keep removing the wastes and oils from your face. The minimum amount of glasses you must drink per day is at least eight full glasses of water.

  • Avoid touching your face
       Many people have this bad habit of touching their faces which leads to a acne prone skin. Your hands have oil and dirt which clog the pores in your facial skin which increases the blemishes in your skin. No matter how tempting it might be, do not touch pimples or interfere with anything facial even though it may seem like it will make it better, it makes it much worse. Instead of dealing with a two day pimple, you will have to deal a two week long pimples. A tip is here to constantly change your pillow case, where the oils linger on the fabric getting on your face during the night.

  • Take care of your lips
          By using a lip hydrator often make sure to moisturize your lips. A simple way to do this is to rub a sugar and water solution on your lips and then it moisturize as the sugar removes dead cells and rejuvenates the lips. Carry a stick of lip moisturizer or a lip balm with you at all times and use throughout the day to keep your lips soft.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Basic Hygiene Tips

Hygiene Care 

refers to the set of practices perceived by people to be associated with the preservation of health and healthy living. Personal hygiene is the practice of keeping oneself, one's living and working condition clean in order to prevent disease and to maintain good health. The daily habit of ensuring cleanliness and hygienic lifestyle will save you from future health care costs.

          Personal hygiene is the basic concept of cleaning, grooming, and caring for our bodies. While it is a prominent role in our daily lives at home, personal hygiene is not just about a well combed shiny hair and brushed teeth. It is also important to consider about your health and safety in the work place. Workers who pay attention to their personal hygiene are capable to prevent the spread of germs and diseases, reduce their exposure to chemicals and contaminants, and to avoid developing skin allergies, skin conditions, and chemical sensitivities.You interact with other people on a daily basis everywhere. Having stained teeth, bad breath, body odor, dirty finger nails, smelly feet, or being unkempt is a big turn off.

Proper sanitary practices are beneficial due to several points:
  • Affects your wellness
  • Improves your relationships with others
  • Develops your self esteem and confidence
  • Develops your productivity

These are some basic steps to start it out off:
  • Take regular showers once per day
  • Brush your teeth everyone morning and night
  • Floss or use a toothpick after every meal
  • Wash your hands before meals
  • Cover your mouth while sneezing or coughing

Friday, October 5, 2012

Hair Care Tips

How to stop hair fall

        Hair is one of the essential part of our body which requires special attention and constant treatments to keep it more healthy. We spend a lot of our time looking at our hair, touching it, tending it, choosing the most effective shampoo and conditioner, washing, blow-drying, coloring, and styling it. But all these intense care does not necessarily means our hair is healthy. Hair is an ever- growing tissue affected by our physical well-being, mentality and social interactions. Some of the most important questions we need to ask from ourselves are;

  • Have you checked your physical fitness recently?
  • Have you thought about your diet?
  • Are you managing your stress or is it managing you?
  • Do you constantly stay outside home?

         All these and many more are related to your hair care. Particularly, you should check on your diet to give enough protein and iron which is vital for a healthy hair. Stress can accelerate shedding mostly during your shower. Moreover, medical conditions, such as thyroid problems or any other could also cause hair issues.

         Using shampoo daily on your hair can decrease the natural oil and shine of your hair. When your drying your hair after your shower avoid combing and using electric appliances directly to your hair. Towel dry your hair for a couple of minutes and make sure you towel absorbs the water on your hair. Then gently rub your hair with your towel without rubbing it too much as it can cause to frizz you hair and damage it intensively. 

        You should give special attention to the roots of your hair as they are the bedrocks of your hair follicles. They are millimeter and a quarter under the scalp which is why we mostly do not attend to even think about it. This is why we should apply a weekly scalp mask which can exfoliate and moisturize tour hair to make it more healthy and shiny. These typically contain ingredients like Aloe Vera, which help to minimize flaking while soothing the scalp. It makes your hair more healthy, clean, silky, luxurious, and full of life.    


Always do:
  • Always keep your hair clean
  • Wash your hair at least twice a week
  • Comb your hair before you step into the shower 
  • Rinse hair with lukewarm water
  • Use mild or natural shampoos
  • Use special medicated hair treatments at least once a week
  • Give an oil treatment to your hair at least twice a week
  • Add more green leafy vegetables, salad, milk, soybean, and fruits to your diet
  • Maintain it with regular trims

  • Don't comb rough on wet hair
  • Avoid chemical shampoos and soaps
  • Don't over wash your hair
  • Don't share your comb
  • Avoid using too much heating appliances on your hair
  • Avoid direct sunlight heat
  • Don't swim unprotected
  • Cut off too much caffeine, alcohol, sugar, fried foods and extra salt from your diet 


Thursday, September 27, 2012

Introduction to Health

          Health in general is the condition of a person's mind, body and spirit, usually meaning to be free from illness, injury or pain. The World Health Organization (WHO) defined health in its broader sense in 1946 as "a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and the absence of disease or infirmity." Health is not just a state but also "a resource for everyday life” and it is not the objective of living. Health is a positive concept emphasizing social and personal resources, as well as physical capacities. The maintenance and promotion of health is achieved through different combinations of physical, mental, and social well-being, collectively referred to as the "health triangle.” 


        As life expectancy rates continue to rise, issues concerning health and well-being have become more popular. Health is the measure of our body’s efficiency and overall well-being. The health triangle is a measure of the different aspects of health. Healthy lifestyle practices involve more than just exercise and proper nutrition. Mental well-being and social ties also play a part in achieving optimal health. 

        The health triangle is a model that defines optimal health as a balance between the mental, social and physical areas of life. In order to achieve these three concepts in a better scale is the requirement of a balance and support among each other. They all need each other and work together as a whole.

  • Physical health
  • Social health 
  • Mental health
        Imagine an equilateral triangle with three equal sides: one stands for physical, one for mental, and one for social. These collectively make up the health triangle with equal sides.

  • Physical health is how your body works and feels inside and outside. 
  • Mental health is how you feel and your emotions. 
  • Social health is how you interact and get along with others.

        Each point symbolizes one part of what it means to be human. Each of these health concepts collaboratively should balance with each other to produce a well maintained lifestyle.